Find the missing number in an AP series.
2. Find max sum path(sum of values of nodes) in a binary tree. The nodes may have negative values too.
3. Given a binary tree, find the number of subtrees that sum up to a particular value.
4. Serialize and deserialize a binary tree. Full Code expected.
5. How would you make loading of webpages faster?
6. Connect all the nodes in the same level of a binary tree.
7. I proposed a basic level order traversal using queue.
8. Given a circular array that has been rotated, find a particular element in it.
9. Gave the basic O(logn) approach for finding element in sorted rotated array by finding pivot first.
10. Sorting algorithms and their complexity. And have to write code for any of those.
11. Searching algorithms.
12. Design a website like Make My Trip (both front end and back end).
13. Multi-tier architecture.
Sample questions:
- Tell me about yourself
- How good are you at coding?
- Have you ever faced a failure?
- Why Morgan Stanley?
- What motivates about Morgan Stanley?
- Was asked to write a code and review them ourself
- Strength and weakness
15. Data structure: Add two numbers represented by linked list ?
16. Database: what are the types of joins and explain in details with examples?
17. Operating System: Fragmentation and Defragmentation ?
18. Linux: write down the commands for moving all files from one directory to another and filter the file with some name.
19. Tell me about your project , what is hadoop and explain the main components write down the Map-Reduce code and explain mapper and reducer.
20. What is use of scanf() ?
21. You are given are two threads (T1 and T2) for generation and two threads (T3 and T4) for validation. How do you make sure that T3 & T4 runs only after (T1 & T2).
22. How do you make a class immutable? He then asked me what if the class have reference to some APIs which has setter methods. I couldn’t answer that.
23. What is the difference between countdown *something* and *something*. Couldn’t hear properly.
24. What is a volatile keyword?
25. Difference between LinkedHashMap and HashMap
26. DIfference between ConcurrentHashMap and SynchronizedHashMap.
27. Given a linkedlist, how to do you find nth element from the last, if size of the LinkedList is unknown?